2023-25 Recent Paintings

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          Blue Dream In Situ Billboard 10 4 
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          Painting Outdoors Billboard 10 4
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          Art Fair 14C Billboard
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          Road Trip Detail Billboard 
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          Tracey 350 Bleecker

Lyrical Abstract Landscapes - Recent Paintings

At the beginning of 2023 I had a solo show at the Visual Arts Center of New Jersey and later in the year exhibited in Art Fair 14C. In 2024 I had a solo show at 350 Bleecker St In New York City's West Village. This current work continues to be inspired by the landscape, but I am exploring a wider range of colors and enjoying working larger. I've also been focusing more on the emotions that each painting is expressing. This body of work is continuing to develop and I'm excited to see where it leads.

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Trusted Art Seller

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Verified Returns & Exchanges

The Art Storefronts Organization has verified that this business has provided a returns & exchanges policy for all art purchases.

Description of Policy from Merchant:

I will accept returns or exchanges if for any reason you are not satisfied

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Verified Archival Materials Used

Verified Archival Materials Used

The Art Storefronts Organization has verified that this Art Seller has published information about the archival materials used to create their products in an effort to provide transparency to buyers.

Description from Merchant:

I use the highest quality paints and materials to ensure they last for years to come


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